
PPI Dunia Supports Eco-Friendly Furnitures Go Worldwide

Rabu, 03 Juli 2024 - 12:24
PPI Dunia Supports Eco-Friendly Furnitures Go Worldwide Rizki Anissa the owner of Javani Narutala put her company's product at the Interior Lifestyle Tokyo 2024 exhibition, held from June 12-14 at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan. (Photo: PPI Dunia)

TIMES JATIM, JAKARTA – The Indonesian Student Association Worldwide (PPI Dunia) continues to demonstrate its significant role in promoting Indonesian products in international markets. A prime example is the involvement of the eco-friendly furniture company, Javani Narutala which is owned by one of the meber of the oragnization.

For this, Rizki Anissa the owner of Javani Narutala put her company's product at the Interior Lifestyle Tokyo 2024 exhibition, held from June 12-14 at Tokyo Big Sight, Japan. She is an Indonesian student pursuing her master's degree at United Nations University, Japan, successfully captivated buyers at the exhibition.

Rizki reported that the company's participation resulted in potential transactions worth USD 14,000 and opened up collaboration opportunities with Japanese retailers and distributors.

"It is a great honor to represent Indonesia and student entrepreneurs on the international stage through our participation in this exhibition. Our highest appreciation goes to the Ministry of Trade, especially the Directorate General of National Export Development (Ditjen PEN), the Trade Attaché in Tokyo, and ITPC Osaka for continuously supporting Indonesian SMEs to compete in the global market," said Rizki.

As a member of PPI Dunia, Rizki also encouraged other students to participate in similar exhibitions to maximize their roles as PPI Dunia Export Ambassadors. "Our involvement in this exhibition proves that Indonesian students play a crucial role as Export Ambassadors in introducing SME products to foreign markets. We hope our participation will inspire other Indonesian students abroad to promote Indonesian products," she added.

Interior Lifestyle Tokyo 2024 is an international exhibition of creative products in the home and lifestyle sector, including interior decoration, furniture, and household items. This exhibition is part of Ambiente, a leading international trade fair in Germany. The Indonesian Pavilion at the exhibition was inaugurated by the Director of Creative Services and Products of the Ministry of Trade and was a collaborative effort between Ditjen PEN, the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, ITPC Osaka, and JETRO.

The Indonesian products showcased included curated items from companies that won the Good Design Indonesia (GDI) award and participants of the Designers Dispatch Service (DDS), including Javani Narutala, Bale Rattan, Baliism, Palem Craft, and Homeware Natural Indonesia.

Merry Indriasari, the Trade Attaché at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, expressed support for Indonesian students abroad participating in international trade fairs. She noted that Indonesian students have an advantage as they are more familiar with the market preferences in their host countries.

"PPI members have the advantage of being market intelligence agents for potential Indonesian export products to Japan. Besides optimizing their participation in exhibitions, students can explore opportunities to become exporters of Indonesian products to Japan after completing their studies or become buyers if they reside in Japan," said Merry.

Didit Akhdiat Suryo, Head of the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Osaka, reaffirmed ITPC Osaka's commitment to supporting the promotion of innovative Indonesian student products that meet Japanese market needs. "ITPC Osaka provides market intelligence and business analysis reports in Japan that Indonesian students can utilize. I hope this can give insights and increase students' interest in exporting Indonesian products to Japan," Didit explained.

Indonesian students studying in various countries have a strategic role in aiding Indonesia's economy. PPI Dunia, through the Directorate of Business Innovation Development, consistently supports students' roles as PPI Dunia Export Ambassadors in 65 member countries. Radya Mahardika, Director of Business Innovation Development at PPI Dunia, expressed support for the involvement of PPI Dunia members in various trade exhibitions and other export promotion activities.

"PPI Dunia continually supports the government's efforts to increase exports by enhancing the trade knowledge of Indonesian students in 65 countries as PPI Dunia Export Ambassadors. We hope that what Javani Narutala has achieved can be followed by other students in penetrating the export market," said Radya.

With support from various parties,PPI Dunia strives to encourage Indonesian students to actively participate in developing SME products and breaking into international markets. This effort not only helps introduce Indonesian products on a global scale but also strengthens Indonesia's economy through the export of high-quality products. (*)

Pewarta : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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