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4 Benefits of Snake Head Fish For Your Body

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2021 - 13:24
4 Benefits of Snake Head Fish For Your Body snake head fish, a fresh water fish commonly live in the river. (Photo: Steemit)

TIMES JATIM, JAKARTACork fish or well known as snake head fish has become a common fish found anywhere in this world. The nice taste of the meat that melt in your mouth has become one of the main reason  why people love this fish. Though it's a fresh water fish and love to live in the mud, it doesn’t have some muddy taste like those catfish has.

Little did you know, snake head fish brings you tremendous benefit for your health. Cork fish is known to have a higher type of nutrient content. The protein content of cork fish is 25.5%, higher than the protein contained by milkfish 20.0%, carp 16.0%, snapper 20.0%, or sardines at 21.1%.  Let's check what benefit can it gave according to Steemit.

1. Muscle formation and growth

The protein in cork fish or snake head helps you a lot in the process of forming muscle in your body. It also maintain the muscle growth and good especially for those body builder. Consuming this fish regularly will give you spectacular result apart from consuming another healthy food at the same time.

2. Rich in nutrition

Snake head or cork fish known to rich in nutrition. 100 grams of cork fish contains 69 calories, 25.2 grams of protein, 1.7 grams of fat, 0.9 mgs of iron, 62 mg of calcium, 76 mg of phosphor, 150 mg of Vit. A, 0.04 mg of Vit. B, and 69 grams of water. All these nutrients make this fish such a good source of nutrients. Some people believe this fish will be good source to boost the health of those with malnutrition.

3. Help you fix the damage tissues

Snake fish or cork head is a good source of albumin. It helps you in the healing process of tissue damages and accelerate regeneration process. Albumin also sends signals to the body’s immune system if there are cells and tissues that are damaged. 

4. Helps the move of your bowl

For those who have constipation, consuming snake head fish could help the move of your bowl. The collagen and protein contained in cork fish will help your digestion works properly. But make sure you also eat enough fruits and veggies to fill the need of fiber and nutrients in your body. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti

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