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Presean Tradition in Lombok: A Meaningful Sasak Cultural Heritage

Sabtu, 21 September 2024 - 00:41
Presean Tradition in Lombok: A Meaningful Sasak Cultural Heritage Lombok cultural performance as a form of diversity at Uin Malang. (Photo: Albaniatsaury for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMES JATIM, JAKARTA – Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara has hundreds of local culture that worth to watch. Each culture has its own dictinctive attractive side that pamper the eyes. Includinf Presean.

"Presean is a traditional martial art that has been deeply ingrained in the Sasak community, the indigenous people of Lombok," Tsaury, a local community of Lombok explained. 

This tradition involves a physical contest between two men armed with rattan sticks (penjalin) and shields made of buffalo hide (ende). Beyond the physical competition, Presean embodies values of bravery, honor, and brotherhood.

The Presean tradition is believed to have existed since the time of Lombok's ancient kingdoms. Initially, it served as physical training for Sasak warriors. Over time, Presean evolved into a cultural practice performed during various ceremonies and celebrations, such as harvest festivals and other significant events.

Although it appears intense and violent, it carries deep meaning related to courage and honor. The fighters, known as Pepadu are not allowed to fight out of anger.

They must maintain self-control and uphold the spirit of sportsmanship. If a Pepadu becomes visibly emotional or angry, the fight is stopped, and the Pepadu is considered morally defeated.

Additionally, Presean reflects values of brotherhood and mutual respect. After the fight, the Pepadu will shake hands and embrace, symbolizing that no animosity or hatred remains between them.

Presean is usually held in an open arena, with the local community gathering to watch. Before the fight begins, a Pakembar who serves as the referee, leads the match and ensures that both Pepadu fight within the rules and in the spirit of brotherhood.

Each Pepadu fights using a penjalin as a weapon and an ende as protection. The match continues until one of the fighters sustains an injury or until the referee stops the fight. Injuries in Presean are seen as marks of bravery, and the fighters are not allowed to hold grudges against their opponents.

Today, Presean is not only part of traditional ceremonies but has also become a cultural attraction for tourists. The government and local communities often feature Presean in various cultural festivals as a way to preserve this ancestral tradition and introduce Sasak culture to the world.

Despite its growing popularity, Presean remains carefully guarded to ensure that its essence and philosophical values are not lost. The Sasak people believe that Presean is more than just a physical contest, it is an expression of unity, courage, and honor passed down through generations.

Presean is a powerful example of how local culture can endure and thrive over time. This tradition is not only a source of pride for the Sasak community but also a valuable cultural asset for Indonesia. Through Presean, Lombok showcases to the world that courage and brotherhood can be expressed in a unique and meaningful way. (*)

Pewarta: Lalu Ahmad Albani Atsaury (DJ)

Pewarta :
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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